*Please note: Many of these links are to be used to learn finance. The data found on these sites may not be accurate or up to date. Some the sites should not necessarily be used to compute actual investment decisions and instead the data should be compiled from your brokerage firm’s database.
Monitoring the Economy
Yahoo Finance (DJIA, S&P 500, NASDAQ)*
Wall Street Journal Prime Rate
P/E ratio for the S&P 500 (Average)
Forward P/E S&P
Bond Yield Curve
Investment Screening
Google Stock Screener
Yahoo Stock Screener
Yahoo Bond Screener
Yahoo Mutual Fund Screener
Yahoo Finance*
CAPM and DCF Calculator
Warren Buffet Calculator
Gordon Model (Constant Dividend Growth Model)
Calculator WACC Calculator, Ticker*
Bond Valuation Calculator
Miscellaneous Links
Risk Quiz
Asset Allocation Calculator
Marginal Tax Rate Calculator
Student Loan Calculator
Mortgage Loan Calculator